Influences and interests come from many places, and can change over time. I have many that I am conscious of and some that I am not, but there are three that have always been present, and I think will always be with me.
The first two are the Science Museum and Natural History Museum of London. I have very early memories of staring in awe at all the incredible things on display in these museums, and still get a huge thrill whenever I visit. From the huge pre historic dinosaur skeletons to intricate working models of farm machinery, being amongst all of this is a huge inspiration.
The other is science fiction. The stories and images within this genre offer such amazing opportunities for the imagination. They can range from thrilling adventures in the distant future, to contemplative meditations on the nature of existence, and everything in-between. Science fiction can often be written off of as “just spaceships and robots”, but at its best it can be the sharpest lens for looking at where we are now and, with just a small nudge, where we could go. 
I think museums and science fiction are both concerned with the same thing, describing our world, and that is what they have inspired me to do. I call my work Photographic Illustration, because that is what I want to do, to use photography to illustrate what we can find surrounding us. I love to take something that can sit in the background of our lives and reveal it in intense detail, and it’s a kick to present an object from our environment in a way that it is not usually seen. Through this I want to create an anthology of images, that can help describe the complexities, contradictions, and beauty found in this world.